Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ritzville - the place to be

Ritzville is a real place. It has a real 'Main St' and a real statue of Phil Ritz the founder.

A real cinema, that plays the same movie three nights in a row.

It has a real grocery store - it is actually pretty good.

It even has a quilting and liquor store all in one!

All in all it is a beautiful place with really friendly people. It was a most quaint and enjoyable town.
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  1. Oh goodie. Testing the comment section

  2. Great to find your blog...
    I miss you guys a lot! Sorry I haven't kept in touch. It looks like you're having a great time!!
    Do you have accents yet?

  3. Yeah our accents are getting worse... some people hear just dont understand our accents and "Dewhurst" is really hard to say and spell in 'american'
